The nicotine content of snus differs from that of conventional cigarettes. Snus is about the perceived strength, which is usually declared with dots on all snus cans. So it may well be that you like a different nicotine content in a snus than in a cigarette.

What is the nicotine content of snus and how is it declared?

1 to 10 mg/g nicotine = normal snus

11 to 20 mg/g nicotine = strong snus

20 to 43 mg/g nicotine = very strong snus

Over 44 mg/g nicotine = ultra-strong snus

If you are looking for a nicotine-free snus, then we can recommend the Scooper Energy brand. All Scooper snus are 100% nicotine-free. Scooper contains caffeine and vitamin B5 instead of nicotine, making it perfect for smoking cessation.

How much nicotine does snus contain?

There is no general answer to how much nicotine a snus contains, as every snus has a different nicotine content. On average, most snus contain between 10 and 20 mg/g nicotine. In our snus store, you can find the nicotine content of each snus in the description under "additional information". If you have any further questions about the nicotine content of snus, our customer service will be happy to help you.

How many grams of nicotine are in a cigarette?

Even with cigarettes, it is not possible to say in general terms how many grams of nicotine a cigarette contains. Here, too, it varies from brand to brand. The average nicotine content of a cigarette is 12 mg/g per cigarette. Since the burning cigarette is ignited, the nicotine affects your body differently.

How does nicotine get into snus?

As there are different types of snus, the nicotine gets into the snus in different ways.

In a snus with tobacco, the tobacco is finely ground and mixed with other ingredients such as salt, flavorings, water and humectants. As the tobacco plant already contains nicotine, this is how the nicotine gets into the snus. One of the best-known snus with tobacco is Oden's snus.

In tobacco-free snus, also known as all-white snus, the nicotine is extracted from the tobacco plant. The extracted nicotine is then added to the snus with other ingredients. All White snus has the advantage that it does not stain your teeth and also runs much less than snus with tobacco. The most popular All White snus in our snus shop is VELO snus.

How is the nicotine content perceived when consuming snus?

The strength depends not only on the snus nicotine content, but also on the different pH values of the ingredients and the flavors. For example, a snus that is more runny than a conventional snus will enter the body much faster than a snus with a lower moisture content. Flavors such as mint and menthol offer you an additional feeling of freshness and increase the perceived strength.

Which snus varieties does Snusland recommend with different nicotine strengths?

Regular snus: SKRUF Super White Fresh #2

Strong snus: VELO Berry Frost X-Strong

Very strong snus: Odens Cold Dry

Nicotine-free snus: SCOOPER Fresh Mint

Conclusion on the nicotine content of snus

You can find the nicotine content of snus in the table below the product on the product page. We recommend that you try snus with different nicotine levels to find out which nicotine level is right for you. Also, the nicotine content of snus does not say much about the actual strength, as the strength is perceived differently. You can also use the points that indicate the strength of snus as a reference.

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